Handelsbanken app company - Handelsbanken.seHandelsbanken website en app

Digital services for businesses


Zakelijk Internet Bankieren 

Manage your corporate online banking transactions. 

  • In Dutch
  • Managing your local business current account (s)
  • Execution of Euro Payments and World Payments
  • Execution of Intragroup Payments within Handelsbanken in the Netherlands
  • Submitting payment and collection files
  • Export of account information to your accounting package in MT940 and CAMT053


Manage national and international corporate accounts in one place.

  • In English
  • Managing your corporate accounts at home and abroad and Multibank account(s)
  • Execution of payments on a local and international level
  • Carrying out international Intragroup Payments
  • Sending country-specific payment files
  • Export of account information to your accounting package in MT940, CAMT053 and various other file formats

Real-time trading in foreign currencies with MarketOn-Line


As an company operating internationally you may have to deal with income and/or expenditure in a foreign currency. As a result, you may run a foreign exchange risk, and this can have negative consequences for your business, your competitive position, or your profit margins. Handelsbanken can help you manage these currency risks.

MarketOn-Line is Handelsbanken’s online trading platform for real-time buying and selling of foreign currencies.

For more information on MarketOn-Line, please contact the Handelsbanken branch in your area.

We prioritise your security

vinkje symbool
Your trust in us means a lot. We constantly work at improving security for the use of our digital services. Read about what you can think about when using our services and how to protect yourself against fraud.