Cookie policy Handelsbanken

This cookie policy tells you how and why we use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. It also tells you how you can manage what cookies are stored on your device. The cookie policy is part of our privacy notice. By accessing and using our website, you agree to our use of cookies as set out in this policy.

We reserve the right to make changes to our cookie policy – for example when there are changes in legislation and regulations – or if the way we process personal data changes. On our website you can read the latest version of our cookie policy and privacy notice.

Any time that we change the policy, you will automatically see a notification on our website, so that you can again choose to accept or disable cookies.

What are cookies?

‘Cookies’ are small text files that are stored on your computer (or mobile device) when you access the internet.

They act as a ‘bookmark’, improving your online browsing experience by performing tasks such as remembering user preferences, displaying relevant web content to you, and helping to ensure your use of online services (such as online banking) is secure.

Handelsbanken and cookies

Handelsbanken uses session, persistent and analytical cookies.
  1. Session cookies
    Session cookies store information about your behaviour on the website. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your web browser.
  2. Persistent cookies
    Persistent cookies remain on your device until you erase them, or until they expire at a pre-set deletion date. These cookies are typically functional cookies which are used to remember settings, preferences and tailor content to you. Persistent cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information about you.
  3. Analytical cookies
    We measure your visit to our website with analytical cookies. This helps us to identity the amount of visits on our website, what information visitors are looking for and which pages have been visited frequently. 

Allow cookies

Cookies are required to run a fully functional website. We always ask your permission to place cookies. This gives you the option of accepting or disabling the cookies. Certain services on our website may not work properly if you disable cookies.

To improve the security of our website, applications and other systems, we store the IP addresses of our visitors. We sometimes use this data for statistical research. We may sometimes direct you from this website to another website that is not owned by Handelsbanken. Please note that these external websites have their own Cookie policy.

Disable or delete cookies

When you first visit your website, you will receive an automatic notification on your screen. Here you can choose to accept or disable cookies. After you accept the cookies, you will not see this message again. If you wish to block the cookies at a later date, you can delete stored cookies in your browser settings at any time.