

Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) is the owner of this website. The headquarters address of Handelsbanken in the Netherlands is:

Handelsbanken Nederland 
Herikerbergweg 181
 1101 CN Amsterdam

Handelsbanken is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 34175709 and holds licenses from the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets and the Dutch Central Bank. For more information about the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, visit . For information about the Dutch Central Bank, visit .

Important information for website visitors

The information on our website is intended for general purposes only and is not tailored to your personal situation. We do not provide personal advice on the website. It is your own responsibility to make decisions based on the information provided on the website. For personal advice, we refer you to the nearest .

The information on this website does not constitute an offer to enter into an agreement with Handelsbanken or its affiliated companies, including Optimix Vermogensbeheer NV and Add Value Fund. If you decide to enter into an agreement with Handelsbanken, the terms and conditions in effect at that time will apply.

Website content and liability 

All information (including design, branding, and logo) on the Handelsbanken website is the property of Handelsbanken and has been compiled with great care. However, it is possible that the information on the website is not (or is no longer) accurate. Handelsbanken is not liable for any inaccuracies and no rights can be derived from the content of the website. This also applies to the content and use of external websites referred to by Handelsbanken.


Handelsbanken reserves the right to change the content of the information and publications on the website.


It is not permitted to copy, forward, or distribute information from the website, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from Handelsbanken.

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